Forskare med ERC-anslag Chalmers


ERC Consolidator Grant to Åsa Haglund NanoLund

How to apply? ERC grant applications can only be submitted in response to a Call for Proposals. The ERC has yearly calls for proposals covering all scientific fields. We introduce a new Vice President of the ERC, find out why and how researchers moved from Latin America and Vietnam to Europe, explore a scheme helping ERC grant applicants examine successful proposals, and take an in-depth look at some projects that won Proof of Concept, Consolidator or Synergy Grants in 2020. ERC Consolidator Grants 2016 List of Principal Investigators – All domains Host institution refers to institution at time of application 2016 European Research council – 07/12/2016 Page 4 of 24 Last Name First Name Host Institution Local Name Host Institution Name Host Country Acronym Title Panel WERNER Philipp 1. ERC STARTING AND CONSOLIDATOR GRANTS 2019 1.1 ERC FUNDING PRINCIPLES The ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants are part of the main ERC frontier research grants 2019 funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

Erc consolidator grant

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ERC Consolidator Grant riktar sig till de som nyligen startat en forskargrupp och vill stärka sin roll som forskningsledare, och omfattar upp till 2 miljoner Euro. Första utlysningen skedde 2013. Vid KI har följande forskare erhållit ERC Consolidator Grant: 2019 ERC GRANT ERC Consolidator Grant. The ERC Consolidator Grant is part of the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC grants are highly competitive and an outstanding track record is an important factor for success. As well as the research carried out by the researcher, it is an ambitious program aiming to recognise the best ideas and talents. The ERC Consolidator Grant is a grant scheme targeted at successful researchers for consolidating their research group and establishing an impactful career in Europe.

The ERC also strives to attract top researchers from anywhere in the world to come to Europe. It funds young, early-career top researchers ('ERC Starting grants'), already independent excellent scientists ('ERC Consolidator Grants'), and senior research leaders ('ERC Advanced Grants').

bidrag till etablerade forskare — Engelska översättning

The ERC has published the results of this years call for Consolidator grants. A total of 327 researchers from 39 countries will share more than 655 million EUR. 14 of them have a Swedish host institution. The grants are intended for researchers whose PhDs were awarded 7-12 years ago, and the average grant is 2 million EUR paid across five years.

Erc consolidator grant

EU-finansiering för kvantteknik till Aalto-universitetet Suomi

Home » Funding » Consolidator Grants On-going evaluations. ERC Consolidator Grant 2017 - Evaluation Call updates  Consolidator Grants may be awarded up to € 2 million for a period of 5 years.

Three UCL academics awarded ERC Consolidator Grants | UCL . The Grants and Innovation Office (FIK) offers a course on how to write a competitive ERC Starting Grant (ERC-2021-StG) or ERC Consolidator Grant  These registers are also used in my current research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC Consolidator Grant, DISLIFE-647125) where I am  You are here. Home » Funding » Consolidator Grants On-going evaluations. ERC Consolidator Grant 2017 - Evaluation Call updates  23 feb. 2021 — ERC:s arbetsprogram publicerat av EU-kommisionen Consolidator grant riktar sig till dig som nyligen startat en forskargrupp och vill stärka  ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own​  You are here. Home » Funding » Consolidator Grants On-going evaluations.
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Erc consolidator grant

However, up to an additional EUR 750 000 can be requested in the proposal to cover (a) eligible ""start-up"" costs for Principal Investigators moving to the EU or an Associated Country from elsewhere as a consequence of receiving the ERC grant and/or (b) the purchase of major equipment and/or (c The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the European Research Council (ERC), is organising a two-part webinar series for researchers who are interested in applying for the 2021 ERC Consolidator Grant call which has a submission deadline of 20 April 2021. ERC Consolidator grant riktar sig till forskare som nyligen startat en forskningsgrupp och vill stärka sin roll som forskningsledare (7–12 år efter avlagd doktorsexamen). Bidragsstorlek är upp till 2 miljoner euro för en period av max fem år. Läs mer om de olika bidragen på ERC:s webbplats KTH motfinansierar dessa ERC Consolidator Grants med fyra miljoner kronor till vardera projekt.

The Belgian National Contact Points are organising this webinar to support potential applicants to these calls.
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Stiftelser vill se fler ERC-ansökningar - Riksbankens

Intern deadline* för stödbrev från SU (kontaktperson nedan). ERC Starting Grant 2021 – 19 mars; ERC Consolidator Grant 2021 – 2 april  Scope: Objectives. The ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be  ERC Consolidator Grant to the Division.

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ERC-finansiering vid KI Karolinska Institutet

The maximum size of the grants is reduced pro rata temporis for projects of a shorter duration. (This does not apply to ongoing projects). Funding call: ERC CONSOLIDATOR GRANTS | European Food Safety Authority Size of ERC Consolidator Grants Consolidator Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of EUR 2 000 000 for a period of 5 years (The maximum award is reduced pro rata temporis for projects of a shorter duration. This does not apply to ongoing projects).